Exception Class

Exception classes represent a UNO Exception


Exception classes in ooo.lo and ooo.csslo namespaces are static classes.

As of version 2.0.0 the ooo.csslo namespace is deprecated. Use the ooo.lo namespace instead.

Example static:
from ooo.lo.uno.exception import Exception
ex = Exception(Message="I made an error")
assert ex.Message == 'I made an error'
assert type(ex).__name__ == 'Exception'
assert ex.__module__ == 'ooo.lo.uno.exception'

Exception classes in ooo.lo and ooo.csslo namespaces are the same classes.

from ooo.lo.uno.exception import Exception as LoException
from ooo.csslo.uno import Exception as CssException
same = LoException is CssException
assert same == True


Exception classes in ooo.dyn and ooo.cssdyn namespaces are dynamic classes and are changed during runtime.

As of version 2.0.0 the ooo.cssdyn namespace is deprecated. Use the ooo.dyn namespace instead.

Example dynamic:
from ooo.dyn.uno.runtime_exception import RuntimeException
ex = RuntimeException("I made an error")
assert ex.Message == 'I made an error'
assert type(ex).__name__ == 'com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeException'
assert ex.__module__ == 'uno'

Dynamic exceptions can be used in try block to catch UNO exceptions.

from ooo.dyn.uno.runtime_exception import RuntimeException

def foo():
        # some uno operation
    except RuntimeException as e:
        # handle com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeException errors

Dynamic exception can be used to raise UNO exceptions.

from ooo.dyn.uno.exception import Exception as UnoException

def foo(x):
    if not x:
        raise UnoException('Expected x to be something?')
    # some amazing stuff

def bar(y):
    if not y:
        ex = UnoException()
        ex.Message='Expected y to be something?'
        raise ex
    # some amazing stuff

def foobar(z):
    if not z:
        raise UnoException
    # some amazing stuff

Exception classes in ooo.dyn and ooo.cssdyn namespaces are the same classes.


Dynamic exception classes return equivalent UNO classes

This means dynamic exceptions are interchangable with UNO classes.